Netflix to increase its monthly fee from $7.99 to $10

In case you're one of the 17 million individuals with a grandfathered-in Netflix membership, observe: Netflix is raising its costs for those arrangements one month from now.

In May, individuals grandfathered into a $8 every month two-stream HD arrangement will begin paying $10 every month like whatever remains of us TV confused clients. As indicated by Business Insider, numerous individuals don't have the foggiest idea about this is going to happen:

Examiners at UBS have evaluated that this change will influence around 37% of US supporters, or 17 million individuals.

Furthermore, the greater part of those 17 million supporters aren't mindful of the up and coming changes, as per examination by JP Morgan. JP Morgan as of late ran a study of Netflix clients, and around 80% of the individuals who will be "un-grandfathered" in May didn't know the value trek was coming.
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